Back from Ireland

Sheep on Inishbofin Island

So it's been a bit quiet here on the blog, part of the reason is that I've been out of the country. Between the trip, and prep for the trip, and now recovery from the trip, I've been a little busy!

So about the trip... I was in Ireland for two and a half weeks. We traveled much of the country and saw many amazing things. Such a beautiful landscape, and depending on where you were, it could change drastically from the landscapes seen elsewhere in the country. I'm still working away at going through my photographs from the trip, and here's a sneak peak of one that I'm fond of.

This was taken right after we arrived on Inishbofin Island(on the west coast of Ireland) via ferry. The weather was extremely windy, and the sea very rough(there were waves above the roof of the ferry!) and I did find it a bit terrifying. However, when we docked I saw this out the window of the ferry. I was in a hurry to get on land and take the photograph before either the sheep moved out of sight, or the sliver of sunlight on the grass disappeared!

I will be posting more from Ireland as I make my way through the photographs. I hope you all are doing well, and that your Summer(for the those in the northern hemisphere) is going well.


Abstract water photography from Yellowstone National Park


Celebrate International Cheetah Day Dec. 4th!